Ääretön ATK
Ääretön ATK is Cloud2's very own podcast! The podcast is hosted by the brilliant Keijo Metsalu, and I'm behind the scenes. From ideation to recording and from there to editing, to appearance and finally to introductory texts: my dirty fingerprints can be found on everything.
I heard about the dream to make a podcast early on - that is, when I started with Cloud2. I was asked to find suitable hi-fi sound equipment and gimmicks for the podcast. I did the work as I was told and my suggestions can still be found in the notes on my phone, but the start of the project was still delayed by another three years.
At end of spring 2022, things began to move forward with a rush. I was slapped with a creaking and uneven webinar soundtrack, which must have been forced through at least three different compressors. That's how the podcast-journey started.
Visual identity
In the summer, the amount of work decreases, so I thought what better way to spend the summer vacation than to learn the secrets of podcasts! So I absorbed everything I could from various podcast gurus, from RSS feeds to the best publication times, and what I think is most inspiring, the podcast's visual identity.
Ääretön ATK's themes include everything related to IT, cloud technologies and Cloud2. It was therefore important that the appearance of the podcast makes it clear that it is a Cloud2 production: pink, full of love and with the font Magnum.
I chose the '84 Amstrad CPC as the main visual. At the time, nostalgia and the first touches to technology were of interest to Cloud2's ranks, and the idea of returning to the 80's started from there.
Trailer 1
If there is a podcast, of course one has to hype it on social media! And so it was decided that a trailer would be made for the podcast, which would be promoted on social media. After tinkering with 3D, using After Effects and Premiere, and poking our host Keijo Metsalu, the final result was as follows:
New look 2023
Our podcast had 10 episodes in its first season and we were surprised by the number of listeners! It was time to start planning the second season - this time with a bigger team. Of course, the occasion also required a small update to the appearance of the podcast. Introducing the 1990 Macintosh LC or "Elsie"! Every season we jump a decade forward in the development of IT.
Trailer 2
We also started a new tradition and season two also got its very own trailer! The trailer will appear before the start of the second season in autumn 2023.